Thursday, September 24, 2009

Business Tax Attorney

Companies often hire a business tax attorney to take care of the finances and to make sure that affairs are settled with the Internal Revenue Service at the end of each year. These lawyers that specialize in taxation can be the first defense for a business when it comes to navigating the tricky and intricate taxation laws. They can help a business make sure that an adequate amount of money is being paid each year to the government. Also, should any kind of legal action be taken by the government for money owed, a business tax attorney can go to court on behalf of the company. He can represent a case in court, should the need arise, can negotiate with the IRS, and can help the business owner devise a method of organizing finances in such a way that taxes are handled with knowledge and efficiency.

Just as any wise business owner would hire individuals with certain talents and qualifications who could do specific jobs, such as hiring a person with sales experience to sell the company's products, so should he consider thoughtfully hiring a business tax attorney in order to make sure that very important aspect of the company is not overlooked or neglected. Some, however, are hesitant to expend some of the company's budget on hiring a business tax attorney to help handle the corporation's finances. They mistakenly believe that they can handle the various nuances of tax law without having to enlist the aid of a professional. Or they seek accountants to handle all the work, believing that the expense of hiring a lawyer would be too great. While wanting to be conservative with the business' money is commendable, what many may not realize is that refusing to expend the cash initially may cost the company much more in the future.

Sometimes, people make the mistake of thinking that any attorney, regardless of the type of law he usually practices, can handle their tax issues. This could not be further from the truth. There are so many specialized fields of study in law that any other type of lawyer would not have the depth of knowledge required to adequately represent the company. A business tax attorney has to complete specialized courses in tax law; his studies primarily center around relationships between companies, the government, and finances. And while it is not a stretch to assume that all lawyers will at least be acquainted with the fundamentals of taxation law, considering the complexity of the field, a successful attorney will need to have more of an in-depth knowledge.

One of the most important things a person needs to consider when reviewing candidates and looking to hire a business tax attorney is the education of each of the lawyers. Obviously, a person's educational background matters, especially when that person is going to be fighting to keep the company out of financial and legal trouble. A business owner would be wise to hire a lawyer from a well regarded law school. Admittedly, if a lawyer did not attend a prestigious university, it does not mean that the individual is not adept at his job or fully capable of representing the company's interests. But choosing a lawyer who received his degree from a well known law school is the best way to hire someone who has trained under some of the brightest legal minds in the country and who obviously possesses a great deal of intelligence, which is of course a prerequisite to gaining admission to a high profile university.

Often, companies do not see the need for a business tax attorney until they are already in trouble with the government. If taxes are not paid on time, or are not paid fully, the owner of the company can stand to lose everything: his business, his assets, and sometimes even his freedom. When faced with the severe consequences that come after not having paid one's taxes, the best line of defense is to hire a capable, reputable lawyer to represent the case and the help prepare for what lies ahead. Even if the government is just auditing a person's company, having a lawyer can help in gathering paperwork and determining what needs to be done. Since these types of lawyers handle problems everyday in their chosen career, they are also best suited to helping navigate the obligations a company has to federal and state governments and resolving any issues that may arise. While having a lawyer does not necessarily mean that should a legal battle ensue between the owner of a company and the government that the owner will win, it does improve the chances of negotiation and reaching a settlement.

For a company, few things are more important than making sure that an organized finance department exists that can efficiently handle the distribution and payment of taxes. There are also few areas that are more complex and require more attention and fact-checking. Having to pay the government for any money received is unavoidable and is the responsibility of every American. "Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour" (Romans 13:7). And not taking the obligation seriously can cause a host of problems for an entrepreneur. Often, people find that hiring a business tax attorney is the best way to protect themselves from making grave financial mistakes and to defend themselves against often hefty consequences should accidental errors occur.

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